Green Butter

Last updated September 05, 2023 by Jen...

Cooking Time

15 minutes
15 minutes


  • 1 bunch of parsley or dill (55 grams)
  • 100 g. butter
  • 1 tsp. capers
  • 3 green olives
  • 1 clove garlic
  • salt and pepper to taste


Step 1

Grind the parsley (or dill) in a blender or finely chop with a knife, squeeze out the resulting juice, mix it with softened butter.

Step 2

Add finely chopped capers, green olives, fried garlic, salt and pepper.

Step 3

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and put in the refrigerator.

Step 4

Serve with seafood separately or put a piece on the finished fish.


Don't use raw garlic. It will make the butter bitter.


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